Category: Arithmetic Challenges
Sailing in the Number Island Seas
This week’s challenge is mainly to do with partitioning numbers. Learning our number bonds to 10 or 20 can be really useful in helping our mental arithmetic and in turn all of our arithmetic takes…
Open number lines
You are likely to be familiar with number lines that have evenly spaced numbers already printed on them. They are one of the most powerful representations in arithmetic. They can be made to show negative…
Knight’s Move Challenge
Knight’s Move challenges are quite popular. They can involve one more more knights and varying spaces that the knight has to traverse. Our challenge is a simple Knight’s tour, where the knight should land on…
This is quite a popular puzzle or investigation amongst maths teachers. The reason for this is that it is a great example of a High Ceiling Low Threshold (HCLT) task. You only need to be…
Exploring Long Addition
We take a lot for granted in our number system. Place value is one example. It’s difficult to see how revolutionary it is. It’s like the fish who doesn’t know what water is. We take…